2nd Worldwide Release

Guylos/Neo Zenebas

The “Side of Empire” Zoids.

EZ-006 Molga

I have too many Molgas. I got bored with taking so many pics of these, so I drilled some wider holes in these missiles from CP-26. Nice, eh?

Status: SOLD, 06/2012

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Last Modified: 2012-06-04

First Posted: 2008-04-22

Comments: 1

EZ-011 Heldigunner

ARGH, the hoses on this one!

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Posted: 2009-07-16

EZ-012 Brachios(aur)

I have one of these MIB, if anyone’s interested. Fun fact: this almost always shows up on ebay listings as “Grachiosaur”. Hasbro font fail!

Status: SOLD, 06/2011

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Last Modified: 2012-06-06

First Posted: 2011-03-03

Comments: 2

EZ-015 Iron Kong

Every collection needs an Iron Kong or 10.


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Last Modified: 2013-08-09

First Posted: 2009-01-09

Comments: 2

EZ-017 Iguan

The ulimate answer to the question of “who is the _______-est zoid?” I’m not one of those “cult of Iguan” types, but it is a good kit (though I prefer Zillon’s colors).


Last Modified: 2008-05-31

First Posted: 2008-04-22

Comments: 1

EZ-018 Saicurtis

MIB for now.

Status: Not sold, but gone nonetheless, 07/2013

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Last Modified: 2013-07-19

First Posted: 2008-12-02

EZ-022 Gator

I got this when it came out in 2000, back when I was a n00b and didn’t trim stickers.

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Last Modified: 2012-01-06

First Posted: 2008-06-17

EZ-032 Sinker

OMG, they killed Steve Irwin! YOU BASTARDS!

Status: SOLD, 03/2011

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Last Modified: 2011-03-30

First Posted: 2008-07-04

Comments: 3

EZ-034 Geno Breaker

When I discovered that you could put the cannons on in place of the crab claws (aka “X-breakers”), I liked this guy a lot more. Actually the claws aren’t so bad, but the guns really do it for me. The painted Raven (uber villain brat from the Chaotic Century anime) figure is from a gashapon set I got from YJ. I also tinted the eye pieces and painted the teeth (poorly), for more contrast.

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Last Modified: 2013-08-28

First Posted: 2008-06-18

Comments: 6

EZ-038 Elephander

I love everything about Elephander, except its size relative to other Zoids. The body’s about the size of a Redhorn—not too big. It does have a lot of nice movement and detail, and a ton of extra bits, so I guess I’ll just pretend it’s a 1/100 scale kit.


Posted: 2010-05-31

Comments: 1

EZ-044 Zabat

I decided to use some of my fire sale profits to restore my NJR Zabat that gave up its life in a parts swap. This one is from Academy, which released Zoids in Korea. (The kit’s colors are identical to the NJR, and so is the packaging—except for Korean text instead of Japanese.)


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Last Modified: 2011-09-13

First Posted: 2011-04-11

EZ-047 Maccurtis

MIB for now. I built one a long time ago, but ended up breaking one of the legs trying to take it out of the socket (this is very easy to do), so I’m not in much of a hurry to build this one.

Status: Not sold, but gone nonetheless, 07/2013

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Last Modified: 2013-07-19

First Posted: 2008-12-02

Comments: 2

EZ-048 Demantis

Demantis is incredibly fragile, and I finally got tired of pieces falling off every time I looked at it, so I glued the “fins” and clear red bits on. I like the little binocular mans. He sees what you did there.

Status: Not sold, but gone nonetheless, 07/2013

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Last Modified: 2013-07-19

First Posted: 2008-07-03

Comments: 4

EZ-051 Grounchar

All I can say is that Tomy was running out of animals to zoidify when they came up with Grounchar. Then they remembered that they could always just make some more ligers, and they did that. This one grows on you.

Status: Probably broken/raided for parts

Posted: 2008-07-03

Comments: 4

EZ-056 Hammer Rock

This was a reissue that brought much joy, since the OER Zore and OJR Hammer Rock have always been hard to come by. These are almost the Zore colors, except that the grey bits here actually have a faint tint to them, and the caps and canopy are different. I decided to go buck wild with the panel lining and detailing on this one. I also made a “head light”, like the larger Kongs all have, using a piece of a spare canopy.


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Last Modified: 2011-03-22

First Posted: 2008-05-20

EZ-060 Dark Spiner

I’ve sat on this one for a long time, because I was never sure if I liked it or not. I finally saw it from the right angle, and thus did I have to build it. I thought the stock guns looked stupid, so I took them off. This one’s stuck in the limbo known as unfinished custom.

Status: Customizing, someday

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Last Modified: 2009-10-05

First Posted: 2008-07-03

EZ-061 Killer Dome

Dark Spiner’s crabby friend! Snappy claws and spinning dome can also be activated by rolling across the floor.

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Last Modified: 2012-03-31

First Posted: 2011-03-03

EZ-063 Guntiger

Just making this post to show that I have two of these MIB, if anyone’s interested. I think they were the Pacific release, because they have a Tomy logo instead of Hasbro, and there is a sticker with Chinese writing on the back.

Status: Not sold, but gone nonetheless, 07/2013

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Last Modified: 2013-07-19

First Posted: 2011-03-03

EZ-065 Dimetrodon

I was going to skip this one, but it was half off, which made me reconsider! Dimetrodon is a fun build, with a surprisingly small number of pieces—only three sprues (plus the famous “W” sprue for tiny guns) and the body halves. There is a lot of detail hidden in this kit, so bust out the Gundam markers. There are also a ton of hardpoints for mounting weapons however you please (I borrowed some extra “W” sprue guns for mine). You could have even more options, if only they’d reissue the connectors from the ultra-rare Empire Custmize Set. In the meantime, I will probably try mounting every CP I have.


Last Modified: 2015-02-10

First Posted: 2008-12-16

Comments: 1

EZ-068 Storch

This is a nice reissue, but I didn’t fully appreciate it until building it myself. The movement and the wing mechanism are clever, and I love the feathery appearance (which makes for nice panel-lining). My only complaint is the gap in the cockpit, where it seems like there should be a window. The bottom part is a modified “clamshell” piece, and a clear piece and almost fit there, so maybe with some cutting I can get it to work. I wonder if Tomy originally planned something there, but had to cancel it at the last minute because of budget limits.

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Last Modified: 2008-08-16

First Posted: 2008-05-23

EZ-074 Deathraser

I was going to show you how not cool the original Dekalt Dragon looked, but I used some of Parablade’s parts for a custom. Deathraser looks good on his own, though. Plus he can do the “Double Deuce”!

Status: SOLD, fall 2007

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Last Modified: 2014-01-06

First Posted: 2008-06-22

Comments: 2