1st Japanese Release

Helic Republic

Starting with the “whiteheads”. Most Helic designs look more mechanical/skeletal than the Zenebas ones.

RHI-04 Gorhecks

I finally got one of these! Thanks, WIKD and Yahoo Japan! The clear purple bits pwn all other versions. The white bits are actually the same off-white shade as the NJR Command Wolf.


Last Modified: 2008-05-31

First Posted: 2008-05-24

RMZ-01 Garius

The first zoid I ever had (LONG long ago). Also known as: Mechagiras (Mechabonica), unnamed dinosaur type (OAR), and Tryannozoid (OER).

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Last Modified: 2008-05-31

First Posted: 2008-05-29

RMZ-02 Glidoler

MIB! See OAR bird for a built one.

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Last Modified: 2008-06-11

First Posted: 2008-05-29

RMZ-03 Elephantus

The original stompy type, aka Mechagiras (Mechabonica), “unnamed elephant type” (OAR), or Protozoid (OER). I had one of these when I was a youngin’, and used to detach the head and make an escape ship (the ears were good wings).

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Last Modified: 2009-01-07

First Posted: 2008-05-29

RMZ-04 Gurantula

I remember wanting this one as a kid but not getting it for whatever reason. I think they disappeared too quickly.

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Last Modified: 2008-05-31

First Posted: 2008-05-29

Comments: 3

RMZ-09 Spiker

The first mantis type. It has an interesting walking mechanism: the legs are mainly decoration, and the real work is done by some stubs directly under the body. In bad news, the front section droops with age, doh!

Status: SOLD, 03/2012

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Last Modified: 2012-04-01

First Posted: 2008-05-29

RMZ-10 Furolesios

Mint in Box! I never thought I’d get this one, but somehow it was totally ignored on ebay and I got it for $36! See OER Hydrazoid for a built one.


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Last Modified: 2011-03-22

First Posted: 2008-05-29

Comments: 1

RMZ-11 Godos

One of the first MIBs I got, way back in 1995. Godos is a beefed up version of Garius, sharing the same frame.


Last Modified: 2011-09-06

First Posted: 2008-05-30

RMZ-25 Snakes

Great name, there. This one is pretty zippy on a smooth surface. I don’t know why its sticker says RMZ-005.


Last Modified: 2008-05-31

First Posted: 2008-05-30

Comments: 2