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6 Posts Tagged: “geno saurer”

2005: DLZ-001 Geno Saurer (Dino Expo)

I went the longest time not liking Geno Saurers, but then I finally came to my senses. I got this one about a year after it came out, when they miraculously became affordable to the masses (Thanks, Toy-Wave!). These guys aren’t really white, but more of an off-white “bone” color that my camera—awesome as it is—can’t seem to capture. This was part of the limited set for the 2005 Dinosaur Expo at the Tokyo Science Museum.

Status: SOLD, 11/2014

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Last Modified: 2015-02-10

First Posted: 2008-06-18

EZ-034 Geno Breaker

When I discovered that you could put the cannons on in place of the crab claws (aka “X-breakers”), I liked this guy a lot more. Actually the claws aren’t so bad, but the guns really do it for me. The painted Raven (uber villain brat from the Chaotic Century anime) figure is from a gashapon set I got from YJ. I also tinted the eye pieces and painted the teeth (poorly), for more contrast.

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Last Modified: 2013-08-28

First Posted: 2008-06-18

Comments: 6

Geno Breaker (Hasbro action figure)

Geno Breaker, in mini form! I don’t normally get into the action figures Hasbro made, but I got this one accidentally, plus I’m on a Geno kick, so here he is. I actually like him better without all the extra equipment, and the head spear reminds me of a cockatiel. Pics 1–4 are right out of the package. Pics 5–8 are after a much needed touchup paint job. #9 is of the whole “family”!

Status: Not sold, but gone nonetheless, 07/2014

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Last Modified: 2015-02-10

First Posted: 2008-07-24

Comments: 3

HMM-004 Geno Saurer

I’m done! While not having as many pieces as Shieldy or Command Woof, it was still quite the complex and satisfying build.

Status: SOLD, 11/2014

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Last Modified: 2015-02-10

First Posted: 2008-07-01

Comments: 7

HMM-004 Geno Saurer (Build Review)

Since this one was a mega-build, usually taking a whole evening for each section, I thought I’d do an “in progress” review and point out cool features and potential trouble spots.

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Last Modified: 2011-11-15

First Posted: 2008-07-01

Comments: 15

ZP-A (on Museum Geno Saurer)

I discovered that ZP-A (Power-up Parts for the Genesis hero zoids) looked really good on ol’ Boney here. The sword is the “Bio Crusher” for Sword Wolf, and the thingies are the “Wind Dancers” for Rainbow Jerk.

Status: SOLD, 11/2014

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Last Modified: 2015-02-10

First Posted: 2008-06-18

Comments: 1