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2 Posts Tagged: “hammer head”

CP-14 Viking Lance Unit (on Hammer Head)

It would have been nice if the colors matched. I am hella going to paint these up. Someday. More pics to come. Also someday. You can affix this CP to Command Wolf, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

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Posted: 2008-06-17

RZ-033 Hammer Head

And no one seems to like poor Hammer Head (inexplicably renamed “Sledge Head” by Hasbro) either! Well, I do. I took the bar that controls the “swimming” movement out of mine, so I could do a “circling around for the kill” pose. This is about as articulated as the poor guy can get.

Status: Parts available (NEVER SELLING the MIB)

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Last Modified: 2011-03-10

First Posted: 2008-06-17

Comments: 2