Tags and Stuff

6 Posts Tagged: “huge”

069 Seismosaurus

This wasn’t an official Hasbro release in the US (though a few people have ultra-rare prototypes), but did make its way to the New Pacific Release. I ordered mine from the Philippines. I stole one of the gunner seats for my Helcat custom, but it’s otherwise complete. The tail mechanism is quite clever, with a string/pulley system. I have no idea how to take good pics of this one. For not having much bulk, it still manages to be the longest zoid ever at well over 30″. This is probably a job for joiner stylee (see #16)!

Status: SOLD, 03/2011

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Last Modified: 2012-01-05

First Posted: 2008-08-25

Comments: 10


I’ve been wanting to do this swap ever since the dawn of time—aka, when that other guy did it. It needed a bit more contrast, so I kept some of the silver bits instead of doing a full swap.

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Last Modified: 2010-03-02

First Posted: 2009-03-09

Comments: 3

GRZ-002 Gil Vader

Box damage, half price, woot! That and finally being able to do the awesome swap would have been good news enough, but it turns out the original color scheme is pretty wicked. I never knew the purple parts had a metallic flake finish. And the clear red is beautiful.

Status: SOLD, 04/2014

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Last Modified: 2014-04-04

First Posted: 2009-03-02

Comments: 4

GZ-018 Gildragon

The reissue no one thought would happen. The stickers were a lot higher quality than usual—very thin and nicely trimmed. That didn’t stop me from messing up the cockpit one TWICE, though. Check out my cat Dora hanging out on Gildy’s shelf.

Last 4 pics: While most people prefer the original Gilvader’s colors and horns, I really like the white/blue. Just in case anyone hasn’t seen Gildy with the old horns, here ya go.

Status: SOLD, 02/2015

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Last Modified: 2015-02-10

First Posted: 2008-05-31

Comments: 2

HRZ-001 King Gojulas

Perhaps you’ve heard of the quality control issues with the King’s motor. If not, let me tell you: BEWARE! Many people are reporting that their motors do not work properly or at all, right out of the box. A sampling of problems: head won’t turn, arms won’t expand, motor won’t turn off, lights don’t work, purchase of kit didn’t make me more popular with ladies…

Status: Zoidmagnite gets first dibs

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Last Modified: 2013-09-11

First Posted: 2009-01-05

Comments: 8

RZ-055 Mad Thunder

Having a name that is also a description for the side-effects of chili, Mad Thunder is from the golden age of ginormous zoids, reissued for the NJR in early 2002. Having the same colors as the OJR, there was much rejoicing in the land. The computer screen was made from part of a Zoids 2 sticker.


Last Modified: 2013-08-28

First Posted: 2008-06-17

Comments: 2