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3 Posts Tagged: “snakes”

(Red) Znake

In the OER, if a zoid didn’t have “-zoid” in its name, it started with a Z, just so you got the point. Such as: “Zear” (rhyming with “bear”, I assume), Zolkon (Reddra), and Zillon. Anyway, look at that silver and red. This is why people love the OER so much.

Status: SOLD, 03/2011

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Last Modified: 2011-03-25

First Posted: 2008-06-17

RMZ-25 Snakes

Great name, there. This one is pretty zippy on a smooth surface. I don’t know why its sticker says RMZ-005.


Last Modified: 2008-05-31

First Posted: 2008-05-30

Comments: 2

RZ-020 Stealth Viper

If you bought the Hasbro release, you would know this guy as Venomous Viper.


Posted: 2008-06-17