Posted: 2008-07-04
This is why I got Deantler. The “official” fusion looks a bit odd, but I like having the new head on regular Storch, despite the lack-of-pilot situation it creates. (I also had no idea how to fit the blox cockpit on, so I just rested it in place for pics.)
This is a nice reissue, but I didn’t fully appreciate it until building it myself. The movement and the wing mechanism are clever, and I love the feathery appearance (which makes for nice panel-lining). My only complaint is the gap in the cockpit, where it seems like there should be a window. The bottom part is a modified “clamshell” piece, and a clear piece and almost fit there, so maybe with some cutting I can get it to work. I wonder if Tomy originally planned something there, but had to cancel it at the last minute because of budget limits.