A Zoid and Stuff

In: Everything Else > Other Limited Editions

Yuji Kaida #11 Salamander Bombvern

You wouldn’t think these colors would work, but they do! I thought the enormous cannons (CP-10) were kind of silly, so I tried some alternatives (the original Saly missile launchers, and CP-09).

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FUNNY STORY FROM THE FUTURE (Feb 2015): So last summer I took this to the Goodwill (sorry, it was incomplete and I didn’t want to deal with ebay). A couple months ago someone emailed a link to an ebay auction asking if I was the seller, because it was the same town. My friend the “picker” grabbed it from the Goodwill and sold it. I think he got about $20 for it. I told him we could just cut out the middleman, so, uh, stay tuned?

Status: Raided for parts (tips of CP-10s), fall 2007; SOLD (the rest of CP-10, connectors), 08/2011; Not sold, but gone nonetheless (everything else), 07/2014

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Last Modified: 2015-02-10

First Posted: 2008-07-05

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