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In: News

2012-09-01: Kotobukiya, why are you doing this to me?

So I know I said NEVER AGAIN, but just look at this thing. Look at it! If you didn’t look, “this thing” is the HMM Berserk Führer in all its glory. It even looks pretty good without the ton of touchup painting these things usually need. I just want to paint it pink and teal.

Wanted: English language reviews clarifying whether it will totally explode ALL of its armor and limbs or just MOST of its armor and limbs.

Posted: 2012-09-01


  1. Zoidstar said:

    Heh, guess it roped you back into HMMs as well. If you’re gonna grab one, I suggest you do it fairly quickly. The price has already went up on most of the eBay auctions.

    September 3rd, 2012 at 2:50 am | #

  2. then RCM said:

    @Zoidstar: Ugh, I know! So, how explodey is it? I’m going to hem and haw for another week before I decide…

    September 3rd, 2012 at 1:26 pm | #

  3. then Zoidstar said:

    Not sure, but I’ll tell you when it arrives. Some people have already gotten theirs on ZP, and the armor is a strong lavender color and the caps are a bright pinkish red. >_<

    September 4th, 2012 at 6:58 am | #

  4. then RCM said:

    @Zoidstar: The color probably wouldn’t stop me as much as the fragility, and that might not even stop me. I AM ABOUT TO MAKE A HUGE MISTAKE!

    September 4th, 2012 at 4:21 pm | #

  5. then Zoidstar said:

    Just tracked mine, and I should be getting it between today and tomorrow, so if you felt like waiting a couple days, I could get back with you on that! ;)

    September 5th, 2012 at 12:01 pm | #

  6. then RCM said:

    I couldn’t wait; it left Japan a couple days ago. :(

    I guess warn me if anything’s too fussy. I’ll bust out the glue and the pink/teal paint.

    September 8th, 2012 at 3:45 am | #

  7. then Zoidstar said:

    Yes, that needs to be done! Just watch the leg assembly around the ball joints attaching them to the body. People have been forgetting to assemble the circular piece that tightens the connection. As tight as the pieces fit together, you don’t want to try prying anything apart if you can help it. I’ve only begun painting some parts, but have talked to some people on YouTube.

    September 21st, 2012 at 4:34 am | #

  8. then RCM said:

    Noted! I haven’t gotten to the legs yet (so little free time), but I did have some tense moments assembling the body. There are some pretty tight parts there.

    September 23rd, 2012 at 10:25 pm | #

  9. then Zoidstar said:

    You’re farther along than me! I’ve still got to finish painting the caps and do panel lines before I can start. XD

    September 26th, 2012 at 12:31 pm | #

  10. then Thinktank said:

    I recommend taking some Future floor finish to any armor surfaces that are not gripping well. That and maybe a warm water wash before to get any mold release agent that may be staying on the parts.

    Future: http://www.whatsinsidescjohnso.....shine.aspx

    September 30th, 2012 at 11:07 pm | #

  11. then RCM said:

    Oh, so I finished this about a week ago. Expect a review and pics in about… six months. Overall it’s pretty solid. That armor’s not going anywhere. It seems like the legs can’t hold all the weight in certain poses, and the egg-beater arms are hard to stow away nicely, but if those are my only complaints on an HMM then it’s nearly perfect!

    October 10th, 2012 at 1:17 am | #

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