Status: Not sold, but gone nonetheless, 07/2014
Last Modified: 2015-02-10
First Posted: 2008-08-10
OK I’m completely in love with this kit, and I never used to even care about Shieldies. Thanks, Kotobukiya! The first HMM Shieldy was nice enough, but the color scheme on this one brings out a lot more detail, and has nicer contrast. Plus, gigantic cannons—always a plus! I think this one took about 16-18 hours to do, but that was spread out over a couple months, so I wouldn’t get burned out.
LATER The #!%#&!!% hoses under the belly broke when I was trying to put this in storage!
FR77 said:
this and shcubaltz’s tiger might be the only HMM kits that I get. mostly because the Mk-II model kit is like Uber-rare.
March 24th, 2010 at 4:34 pm | #
then Sir Zephyrus said:
Just got this guy.
Should I be careful with the cannons? It looks like those gigantic beasties add quite a lot of weight onto those small side parts…
September 1st, 2010 at 1:25 am | #
then RCM said:
@Sir Zephyrus: The cannons held up ok for me. The parts to really watch out for are the hoses on the belly.
September 14th, 2010 at 10:55 am | #
then HornsOfBaphomet said:
I just got this guy! yay! anyways, i heard that the missile pods impede leg mobility. is that true?
November 20th, 2010 at 8:49 pm | #
then RCM said:
Argh, I think they might. If you fold out the white parts it helps a bit. I don’t remember, though :(
November 28th, 2010 at 9:48 am | #