Last Modified: 2012-08-18
First Posted: 2008-06-09
Comments: 2
TDP Deadborder reissue! Hoorj! I always thought this one was ugly (in a bad way), until someone on Pheno’s Forum (username of Deadborder, oddly enough) posted a review with good pics. Then I was swayed. I am glad I got this one, because for such a small guy it sure has a lot of detail and layering. Also, the stickers were so sweet I had no choice but to apply them.
Thousands of years ago, a prophecy foretold of a “holotech” Liger Zero. Some even claimed to have seen them in stores, or even to have purchased one, but in the absence of photographic evidence, such people were branded as liars and heretics. Then, in late 2007, Liger Red Hiou was revealed—a holotech liger, but the armor was clear PINK! I think this could be the best Liger Zero ever.
This was part of a set of limiteds sold at Wonderfest ’08. The other was Molga, which I desire greatly straight-up HAVE. These sold out in seconds, and hit obscene prices on Yahoo Japan (made even more obscene with the Dollar being down the crapper). BUT, Toy-Wave had the Gator on sale a few weeks ago, so patience and despair won out, for once! Since Gator’s legs and inner frame are on the same sprue, they included an extra of that sprue for the dark legs/green frame combo.
The other limited from Wonderfest ’08, and another lucky catch from Toy-Wave. I didn’t know until recently that there were two shades of armor—black and wonderful wonderful gunmetal grey. Blacklight pics to come are now up, of course.
1-7: This is the combo I didn’t think of, but ended up being the best one.
8-14: This didn’t turn out as nice as I expected (and is a pain to photograph), but it does look good in the dark! (#14 is all glow power, no blacklight.)
To get this guy, you had to buy each of the three Genesis DVD box sets (which each came with a clear hero liger, and cost around $300), then send the proofs of purchase off. Or wait until they hit Yahoo Japan (much cheaper!). The best part of this one (for me) is the clear pilot. I’ve wanted one of those forever! I also got some fun night/blacklight shots.
Dark Horn was part of the set of “Dark” zoids, who had hella powers and glowy bits. This one’s been reissued about 397 times in the past few years, but none beat the O.G. here.
Soul Tiger is what Rayse Tiger should have been, all with the backpack and the tubes and such. They rewired it so that the lights are controlled by the backpack instead of the motor switch, so that means good pics of the light up action! Also, check him out under the blacklight!
I finally got one of those Guylos Molga limiteds, and the first thing I did was take the glowy bits off the sprues and put them on my clear Molga. This is a swap I’ve wanted to do forever! Maybe I will have to build my spare clear Red Horn, and do a similar swap with it and a Dark Horn.