Last Modified: 2009-12-11
First Posted: 2009-11-03
Short review: WOOT! Long review to come. I love this little guy.
For now, check out the build review.
This was a fun build, with very few tough parts (which weren’t even that tough). The main thing with these smaller kits is having to do a lot more painting than with large kits, if you want that “looks just like the box!” style. I think Kotobukiya’s getting better at engineering these things, because there were not as many parts that needed gluing to keep the kit stable.
Released in 2000, one of the first brand new designs since the OJR days, and sadly it’s a turkey. The main problem is the poor molding, which pretty much ruins ol’ Gunsnipey. A year later, this was one of the first Hasbro releases, which meant it could be purchased right off a shelf, instead of paying an arm and a leg for shipping from overseas.