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5 Posts Tagged: “spinosapper”

043 Spinosnapper (Holotech)

For the longest time I’d been sitting on a MIB one of these, but recently I stole its wonderful clear saws, for a custom weapon for Hammer Rock. Then, someone on Pheno’s forum was selling a built one for dirt cheap. Hooray!

Also: Orange! Transparent! Chainsaws!

Status: I KEPT THE DAMN SAWS; Not sold, but gone nonetheless (everything but the damn saws), 07/2014

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Last Modified: 2015-02-10

First Posted: 2008-06-16

Comments: 1

2008-05: Um, Hammer Sapper?

I’ve wanted to try this on my Holotech Spinosapper’s saws forever, but was afraid of messing up. Then I found a backup. I think I did ok, even though it doesn’t look so hot up close. At least the effect was as cool looking as I had hoped. To add some contrast to the Hammer Rock, I borrowed part of a red clamshell cockpit.


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Last Modified: 2013-07-20

First Posted: 2008-11-05

CP-18 Impact Cannons (on Spinosapper)

CP-18 is yet another goodie for ol’ Spino, SOLD SEPARATELY, of course (though pretty cheap these days). The packaging showed the arm as being gray, which would definitely look better. I will probably bust out the paint one of these days.

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Posted: 2008-06-16

EMZ-26 Hammer Rock (with a ton of weapons)

Another YJ bargain. It’s missing the original rockets, and there was shoulder repair done, but otherwise it’s lookin’ good. Since he’s missing the rockets, I thought I’d see how many other weapons could fit. Turns out a lot of weapons fit, and some even look good!

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Last Modified: 2011-04-13

First Posted: 2008-05-30

Comments: 1

RZ-043 Spinosapper

Spinosapper is a utility zoid and chock full of accessories. I like the saws the best, but the excavator isn’t bad either (although walking is impossible when it’s deployed). This was known as Spinosnapper in the NAR, since they probably thought kids couldn’t look up “sapper” in a dictionary (combat engineer). It was called Spinosappa in the dub of the anime, because… zuh?


Posted: 2008-06-16