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So I’ve had this guy for nearly a year and haven’t done any pics? Not quite true. I did a few earlier in the summer. They’re still on my camera. Here is a teaser.
Tags: admin, berserk fuhrer, buy my stuff, i said buy my stuff, lazy or busy, what's the difference either way there are no pics
Last Modified: 2013-09-23
First Posted: 2013-09-17
konig wolf, anime characters, pets in pics, blacklight, chrome, huge, iron kong, hamhands, dark zoid, pilot, not sold but gone nonetheless, gorhecks, fire sale, 24-scale, winged, feline, bio, berserk fuhrer, insect, clear/holo, never selling, molga, primate, megaraptor, command wolf, mantis, dimetrodon, spider, gator, admin, glidoler, gurantula, geno saurer, godos, raptor, aquatic, deathraser, need pics, mini-me, gatling, gojulas giga, build review, sun damage, decalto, slight mods, liger zero, canine, whitehead, redler, really swims, MIB, saber tiger, rhimos, red horn, hammer rock, spinosapper, missing pieces, piss whiff, sold, merda